At this time, and for the safety of all of my beloved clients, Sadhana will remain closed until further notice.

I appreciate your understanding as the Spa navigates these uncharted waters. As a small business owner, the economic impact of this pandemic can be absolutely catastrophic, and I want nothing more than to be able to keep the doors open at the end of this.

To ensure that you do not run out of products during this time I am updating the Sadhana website where you are able to purchase some products online.

I will also post discounts on skin care treatments that you can purchase now and redeemed when we resume operations. Please sign-up to receive these important e-mail updates here.

If you need help placing orders, please reach out, I will be happy to help you. You can contact me directly at 954-655-2828

Thank you for your support and understanding. Let’s all remain calm and please use universal precautions to help eliminate this pandemic .

Stay safe & be healthy,

Grace 💕